Australian Renewable Energy On Right Track with Lower Cost and Greater Investments
Green and renewable energy produced a record share of Australia’s electricity in 2016, with a slew of new projects putting Australia right on track...
Solar Trust Centre Team
Sep 27, 2017 10:35:27 PM
Canberrans are switching to new home energy systems that will help them reduce their electricity bills by 60% every year. With soaring electricity prices, solar is attracting many individual Canberran investors as reported by ABC News.
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency has stated that the ACT is leading in Australia when it comes to pioneering renewable energy transition, energy trading, and battery storage.
Canberra-based renewable energy company, Reposit Power, is installing the technology. In the ACT, 250 homes with the system are generating up to 1.2MW.
Green and renewable energy produced a record share of Australia’s electricity in 2016, with a slew of new projects putting Australia right on track...
The Renewable Energy Index which has just been launched has shown renewable energy sources in Australia produced enough electricity to power 70% of...
Based on a news from ABC, coal continues to supply 2/3 of Australia’s electricity generation even though there’s an increase in renewable energy...