The Future of Australia’s Renewable Energy is Possible With Refocused Infrastructure

Professor Ray Wills, Earth and Environment Professor of the University of Western Australia and the Managing Director of Future Smart Technologies said that it would not be long before major cities and countries including Australia would be self-powered. The professor believes this will happen because of solar energy.

He said that it may not be possible for some people for now, but he predicted that most major cities between the 26th parallels will be self-powered by the year 2025. He said that it will be largely with solar PV systems with batteries plus other sources of renewable energy generation that include wind, hydro and wave energy.

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Perth Company Proposes Largest Solar Plant in Western Australia’s Wheat Belt

The Australian wheat belt could soon have Australia’s largest solar farm under the company Sun Brilliance according to Perth Now.

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Pumped Hydro Could Produce Enough Clean Energy to Power Australia

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Tesla Australia is Now Offering Pre-orders for the Tesla Solar Roof

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