Six Steps to Take in Helping to Slow Down Climate Change
According to Inhabitat, while there is a scientific unity that global warming is true and that it is caused by human activity, whether or not climate...
In recent years, global warming has been the focus of a great deal of political and scientific controversy as reported by NASA. As scientific knowledge has grown, the debate is changing from whether humans are causing warming and toward questions of what are the best ways to respond to it
There are many signs that our planet is warming and these signs are recorded all over the globe. One of the easiest way to see the temperature increase is through the thermometer records that were saved over the past century and a half. Around the world, the planet’s average temperature has gone up more than 1 F or 0.8 C over the last century and about twice in the parts of the Arctic. This doesn’t mean that there were no temperature fluctuations among other regions of the planet or between expected seasons or different times of the day, but if the temperature is averaged out the temperature all over the world over the course of the year, you will see that temperatures are going up.
Although, there is no way of looking back at thermometers going back thousands of years, there are some records that can help in figuring out what temperatures and weather concentrations were like in the past. For example, every year, trees grow thicker and form new rings. In wet and warm years, the rings are thicker. To have a proper look at the atmosphere of the past, scientists drill cores through the planet’s polar ice sheets. Tiny bubble trapped in the gas are actually trapped past atmosphere, frozen in time. That was how scientist know that the greenhouse gases concentration since the industrial revolution are higher than they’ve been for hundreds or thousands of years.
Computer models also help scientists in understanding the Earth’s climate or the long-term weather patterns. These models allow scientists to make predictions about future weather and climate. The computer models simulate how the atmosphere and oceans absorb energy form the sum and transport it around the planet. Factors that affect the mount of the sun’s energy reaching the Earth’s surface are what drive the climate in these weather models and simulations, as also in real life. These includes the particles in the atmosphere, greenhouse gases and changes in energy coming from the sun itself.
Global Warming Arguments
Global warming is a very hot topic these days. Arguing about global warming is just like having arguments about religion and politics. Each side have their own reason in making the beliefs to be the winning one. It’s a hot button issue for many and the arguments for and against the said phenomenon can be confusing as they may appear to use the same data to prove different and contradicting results.
Scientist and people who believe in global warming being real base most of their evidence on the interpretation of the change in the atmospheric gas levels and the ocean. The actual warming of temperature is something they say they can actually record or document, but the primary evidence is acquired from detecting the cause or what precedes the temperature rise – which are the changes and the effects of atmospheric gases on the planet’s environment. Their arguments are as follows:
On the other end of the pole are the skeptics and the non-believers. Many of them even say that global warming is a hoax and many scientist and people make a strong case against global warming. Some people say it’s just propaganda to scare people. Many scientist in this spectrum mostly look towards the same evidence as those in favor of proving its existence, but provides different conclusions. They also looked at some evidence that are not considered on other of the arguments. These scientists believe in the definition of the phenomenon as being defined as a rise in atmospheric temperature because they do not consider the atmospheric forerunner as a valid evidence. Their counter argument are as follows:
These are the points that anyone can research on to see if the arguments are valid. But one thing is for sure, anything that we do to ourselves, to the environment and to the planet will have its effect, one way or another.
According to Inhabitat, while there is a scientific unity that global warming is true and that it is caused by human activity, whether or not climate...
The Sydney Morning Herald has reported that former Prime Minister Tony Abbott said that voters should beware the science of climate change and stated...
Global warming caused by fossil fuel burning is heating up the North Pole and the South Pole, causing the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets to melt....