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Pro-solar Policies: A Key in the July 2nd  Australian Elections

A Report from PV Magazine said that a survey of 2,400 Australians conducted on behalf of a coalition of different environmental groups showed that 64% of voters would support a party with pro-renewable policies in the coming elections this July 2nd.

When Australians go to the polls in the 2016 Federal Elections, the inclusion of pro-renewable policies in different political parties’ manifestos will be crucial, according to a recent survey. The survey was carried out by Reachtell on behalf of Greenpeace, Environment Victoria, 350.org and the Australian Conservation Foundation.

The survey also found that majority of voters, about 55.1% are in favor of policies in support of policies to phase out the country’s coal-fired power stations. The survey canvassed opinions from 25 seats across the country, including Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s seat in Wentworth. It currently ranks second to last in terms of solar PV uptake.

All over the country, there are now more than 1.5 M households equipped with some form of distributed solar energy that suggests a huge public support for renewable technology. With every Australian compelled to vote in the coming elections or face a fine, the trend in pro-solar attitudes would prove decisive.

This coming election is likely to be a decisive moment in Australia’s clean energy movement. Solar rate grew massively even in the conservative Abbott government.

Many are ready to phase out traditional coal-burning power stations and embrace renewable energy. We will find out after July 2nd.

Click here for the full story on PV Magazine

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