1 min read

Solar Cells could be all the Colours of a Rainbow

Researchers in the Netherlands have developed a process of making traditional solar panels to be bright green and they’re also working on making other colors as well. By making solar panels more appealing and enticing, they hope to attract more people and businesses to invest in clean and renewable energy according to Inhabitat.

Researchers at AMOLF have developed a method to imprint solar panels with silicon nanopatterns that make the panels appear green. Unfortunately, the process decreases the efficiency of the panels by 10%. This could be an acceptable trade-off if the green panels are installed on more buildings and residences.

The green solar panels attributes include:

  • Uses soft imprint lithography in applying a dense array of silicon nanotubes into the solar cells’ surface.
  • The color can be adjusted by altering the geometry of the nanotubes.
  • Researchers are developing imprints that can produce red and blue colored solar panels.

Click here to read the full story on Inhabitat




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