1 min read

South Australia Is Planning To Build $650 Thermal Solar Power Plant

SolaReserve will build the biggest solar thermal power plant in the world as reported by The Sydney Morning Herald. 

SolaReserve’s $650 million, 150 megawatts Aurora solar thermal power plant has received approval from the state government and construction will start this year. The power plant will be able to generate 500 gigawatt-hours of energy every year. The plant can provide power to 90,000 households, with 8 hours of full load storage. The renewable power plant will also displace 200,000 tonnes of CO2 every year.

It’s fantastic that SolarReserve has received development approval to move forward with this world-leading project that will deliver clean, dispatchable renewable energy to supply our electrified rail, hospitals and schools. South Australia is fast becoming a global centre for the development of renewable energy with storage, with a range of other projects set to come online over the next few years.

Chris Picton, South Australian acting energy minister

Click here to read the full story on The Sydney Morning Herald

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