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This Week in Solar: Is a North-Facing Home Vital for a Rooftop Solar System, PV industry veteran warns of looming supply chain disruptions in Australia.

This Week in Solar: Is a North-Facing Home Vital for a Rooftop Solar System, PV industry veteran warns of looming supply chain disruptions in Australia.

1. Is a North-Facing Home Vital for a Rooftop Solar System?

Rooftop solar systems are truly fantastic, and all can recognize the great benefits they offer. Yet although many of the benefits of rooftop solar are commonly known, all the ins and outs of installation are not as well understood.

This is a real shame, as many people stall on getting a system – that they’ll ultimately find amazing – because some misconceptions and unknowns about solar hold back progress. A common example of this surrounds north-facing homes and solar systems. So let’s unpack this now. “

2. PV industry veteran warns of looming supply chain disruptions in Australia

Australia’s PV module supply landscape could experience a supply shock as legislation emerges to stamp out the use of forced labor. Chris O’Brien, VP for the APAC region at Maxeon Solar Technologies, says that measures that have left modules stranded at the U.S. border could very well occur in Australia soon.

3. ‘Good seas, good grids and good wind’: Australia’s tentative first steps towards an offshore wind industry

Australia seems made for industrial-scale wind energy, but a federal government move to finally make it legal has left some disappointed.

4. Fortescue Invests in Clean Energy: Considers Australian Factory for New Solar Technology

There’s a new player in the clean energy game – Fortescue Metals, one of Australia’s largest mining companies. The company has recently taken 60% ownership of a Dutch solar power company, High yield Energy Technologies (HyET) Group, and is undertaking a feasibility study into building an Australian factory for its unique photovoltaic technology.

5. Queensland will soon be home to the world’s largest green hydrogen manufacturing facility. Here’s what that means

Mining billionaire Andrew ‘Twiggy” Forrest yesterday announced that Central Queensland would soon be home to the world’s largest hydrogen manufacturing facility.

It is expected to make Queensland a “renewable energy superpower”.

The facility has been heralded as a “breakthrough” for Australia’s green energy market, with predictions the plant will double green hydrogen production capacity across the globe.

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This Week in Solar: The Ins and Outs of Off-Grid Solar, Record levels of renewable energy drive down electricity prices across Australia

This Week in Solar: The Ins and Outs of Off-Grid Solar, Record levels of renewable energy drive down electricity prices across Australia

1. The Ins and Outs of Off-grid Solar Off-grid solar appeals to many people, for many reasons. There is often a desire to go an extra step in...

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This Week in Solar: Solar and Solar Opportunities

This Week in Solar: Solar and Solar Opportunities

1. Queensland election 2020: A chance for renewables-driven economic bonanza The Clean Energy Council (CEC) sees the looming election in Queensland...

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