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This Week in Solar: solar beats coal, solar glass, and more

1. I Want To Install Solar But I Need Help Finding A Good Solar Installer In My Area

Once you know that you want to install solar, you still need to find a good solar installer in your area. And that can be difficult. There are a lot of solar companies out there, and it is important to consider the quality of their work and how that will translate to an installation for your home.

2. Wind and solar output beat brown coal in Australia for first time in September quarter

“July to September 2019 was the first quarter ever where wind and solar (utility-scale plus rooftop) in the National Electricity Market generated more electricity than brown coal,” says Energy Synapse managing director Marija Petkovic.

3. Australian solar glass technology tapped for off-grid greenhouse trial

Australian clear solar glass technology will be used in the construction of a demonstration “self-sustaining,” off-grid greenhouse in Israel, as part of a joint pitch to the global sustainable agriculture market.

4. NSW offers low-income solar homes as City of Sydney inks renewables deal

The government’s $15 million Solar for Low Income Households trial will provide 3000 eligible homes in five parts of the state – including southern Sydney – with free systems up to 3 kilowatts of capacity each.

5. Do I detect a hint of sunlight? Australia’s wineries harvest solar energy

Electricity is the single biggest cost incurred in the winemaking process. Looking to save on bills, and save the environment, wineries across Australia are rapidly up-taking solar PV.

6. Melbourne shared solar start-up scales up with manufacturing deal

Melbourne-based start-up Allume Energy has inked a deal to boost the manufacture of its behind-the-meter solar sharing technology that promises to unlock the benefits of cheap PV generation for apartment dwellers.

7. Distributed solar to lead global renewables surge, as costs fall another third

The Renewables 2019 report from the IEA, however, says solar will drive a 50 per cent leap in overall renewable energy investment over the next five years –  to some 1,200GW, or the equivalent of the entire US power grid. It could add much more, around 1,500GW, but only if policy-makers and rule makers catch up with the potential.

8. Solar households to face hit from zero prices

Many of the 2.2 million households with rooftop solar panels may need to brace for bill shock as negative or zero wholesale prices slash their payments for the surplus electricity fed into the grid.

This week in solar: Solar Coffee, and Hospitals move to Renewables

1. Electricity prices are tumbling for generators, why not for consumers? It has a lot to do with the slow transmission of pricing signals to the...

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This Week in Solar: Australia’s first states to run on 100% solar!

1. LG’s Top 6 FAQs about Solar Panels – Warranties When it comes to considering solar as an option for your home, many people want to make sure...

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This Week in Solar: The Ins and Outs of Off-Grid Solar, Record levels of renewable energy drive down electricity prices across Australia

This Week in Solar: The Ins and Outs of Off-Grid Solar, Record levels of renewable energy drive down electricity prices across Australia

1. The Ins and Outs of Off-grid Solar Off-grid solar appeals to many people, for many reasons. There is often a desire to go an extra step in...

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