Battery Sector Engaged in Furious Debate Over Regulations for Fire Bunker
The fast-growing solar battery storage industry is engaged in a big battle to stop new regulations that would force homeowners to build a separate...
Solar Trust Centre Team
Aug 17, 2017 8:03:22 PM
The Australian Financial Review reported tough solar battery rules from Standards Australia could kill the industry. Standards Australia is pushing for solar battery storage to be housed in concrete bunkers at least 1 meter away from homes due to possible fire risks.
The renewable industry sector has responded:
Click here to read the full story in the Australian Financial Review
The fast-growing solar battery storage industry is engaged in a big battle to stop new regulations that would force homeowners to build a separate...
Australian large-scale battery company, Lyon Solar stated that they can do a better job in providing energy storage in South Australia than...
Zen Energy is planning to add 1 gigawatts of renewable power for the South Australian Steelworks industry as reported by Energy Manager Today.