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Why Increasing Solar Power Access for All is So Important

Why Increasing Solar Power Access for All is So Important

Many Australian households are fortunate to be able to acquire solar power as soon as they want it. Whether they look to utilise existing savings or have an above-average monthly income which would make a purchase of a solar product that would cost four or five figures easy to do speedily, numerous Aussies have the financial resources to get solar power fast - but this is certainly not the case for every Australian household. Ultimately, the advantages solar power offers households, communities, and the country as a whole means ensuring the opportunity to utilise it continually expands is important, especially for folks who may otherwise find it very challenging to get access to it.

That’s why the offerings available by governments across the country to help households with smaller incomes to nonetheless still get access to solar power are very significant. In turn, if there’s one drawback surrounding these programmes? It’s that it certainly seems a greater awareness of them would be good, to ensure everyone knows what options are out there. At STC we’re always keen to do our bit for solar enthusiasts, and so that’s why now is a great time to go through here what’s important to know surrounding solar options for households with a lower income.

The Common Components of Solar Access Schemes

Every state and territory can be expected to differ regarding what precisely they offer their residents surrounding access to solar, for households on a low income. It’s also the case that particular schemes should of course be considered alongside other existing incentives which can be made available to any household which seeks to install solar power in the relevant jurisdiction. Nonetheless, commonly, state-supported schemes will offer solar panels at a subsidised rate.

Unfortunately, in certain places across Australia, certain schemes have not yet been offered, are perhaps no longer currently offered, or (where they are offered) have eligibility that many would feel is too narrow. So, at present, it’s possible an Aussie household interested in pursuing such an offer as has been seen in New South Wales recently may find one is not on offer in their locale if outside NSW at this time. Nonetheless, just as the continued growth of rooftop solar in Australia is a tremendous ongoing success story, the common development and deployment of solar access schemes across the country clearly illustrates they’ve indeed much merit.  And, in turn - even if not offered at present in certain places in a way that’s as compelling as programmes offered elsewhere - there’s real room for optimism that current programmes will continue (and expand) in future, and better ones will emerge in locales which are held to be lacking.

The Equity in Enhancing Accessibility to Solar Power Matters

The Equity in Enhancing Accessibility to Solar Power Matters

When it comes to the divide between old and new energy, the inequity of the old ways of operating are vivid and painful - and this is especially the case in 2022. We’ve seen soaring energy prices across the country - and households with more limited means the ones who are struggling the most to pay rising costs - and the reality is that the ongoing development and utilisation of fossil fuel resources in the country continues to benefit very few, at the expense of many (indeed, almost all of us!). That is also the case more widely in the world, as while some fossil fuel giants relish squeezing more dollars out of a dying industry each year, the reality is that the ongoing failure of nations to formulate mature and effective responses to climate change is threatening the very existence of some countries (such as those found in the Pacific) right now in this year.

With solar power (and other renewables) positive change can be made. We can have a clean energy solution that helps instead of hinders new economic growth. A technology that can provide a reliable and consistent supply of energy. What’s more, it’s also an energy source which can be decentralised in a way coal and gas cannot, with millions of homes across the nation already possessing rooftop solar systems, and the prospect for millions more to be added to the national tally in the years ahead. But in order for solar power to realise its maximum potential Down Under, it’s essential to maximise access to it. Not only does this mean stakeholders such as governments and private businesses need to pursue the development of initiatives like community batteries to ensure that households who are unable to install solar right now can still use green energy, but it also means the barriers are brought down decisively for those households who could have a rooftop solar system, but thus far have been unable to acquire one.

For the Benefit of One and All

These initiatives by government are not the be-all and end-all in terms of delivering a solution for households on low incomes seeking solar power, but they’re a solid foundation on which many have already commenced their solar story, and on which it’s possible to build further still. Ultimately, more solar power is not just about benefiting individual households, but the nation, and indeed the world at large.

That’s why governments investing in this area are certainly not just throwing away money as some critics may like to suggest, but are indeed building the foundation of a better future. One where Australia is more affordable, sustainable, and indeed - given the increasing focus on renewable energy as an asset for protecting national security in our world - safer for all, whether it be from the instability that climate change can cause, or other factors beyond our control, and beyond our shores.

Check out our Solartrust Centre website for lots of resources. You can also read here about how to find a quality solar installer.

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