1 min read

Zen Energy Will Rival Tesla’s Proposal For Battery Storage in South Australia

Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk grabbed headlines with his pitch to solve the South Australian energy crisis by building a battery storage farm.

Although Elon Musk can make true to his promise, there are other companies with a counter proposal. One fine example is the South Australia-based renewable energy company Zen Energy and the company may beat Tesla to it.

The State Government wants to attract the private sector into building the country’s largest energy storage battery by next summer. The state government is offering up to $150 million to subsidise 100 megawatts of storage.

Zen Energy has been already in the process of developing plans for a $100 million solar plant with 100 megawatts of battery storage, based on the Upper Spencer Gulf. Zen Energy’s Professor Ross Garnaut said the government’s intention brought its plan closer to reality.

Garnaut said his company’s proposal would create hundreds of jobs during construction.

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South Australia’s Giant Lithium-ion Battery Earned $1M This Month

South Australia’s Giant Lithium-ion Battery Earned $1M This Month

Tesla’s South Australian Powerpack Project is proving to be an exceptionally wise investment for Tesla CEO Elon Musk as reported by IFL Science.

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Elon Musk Disheartened About Australia’s Electricity Price

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Tesla To Offer Free Solar Panels And Batteries to 50,000 Homes

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